Shannon J. Briglia
- Top Notable Surety Cases of 2017-18, presented to Atlanta Surety Claims Association, May 2018.
- "Bonding Basics and Tips," presented to Washington Building Congress, January 2018, Emily A. Brennan, Esq., Shannon Briglia, Esq.
- "Winning the Case Without Breaking the Bank – Leveraging Recent Rule Changes," ABA Forum on the Construction Industry and Am. Bar Assoc. Annual Meeting, April and August 2017, The Hon. Pamela Meade Sargent Patrick Oot, Shannon Briglia.
- "Emergency Procurements Following Disasters," presented to American College of Construction Lawyers, February 2018, Eileen M. Diepenbrock, Leslie K. O’Neal, James F. “Jim” Archibald, Shannon J. Briglia.
- "Proving and Defending Quality of Work Issues," ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice, Fidelity and Surety Law Committee, co-presenter, May 2018, Ellen Cavallaro, Mike Sugar, Shannon Briglia.
Lauren P. McLaughlin
- "Women Who Build," Trinity University's Academic Center Project, ASA of MW, September 2017).
- "The Trump Effect on the Construction Industry," ASA of MW General Meeting, June 2017.
- "Killer Contract Clauses: 201 - Avoiding "Bad Deals" and Identifying Leverage for Your Company," ASA of MW lunch presentation, May 2016.
- "Legislative Update for Virginia," ASAMW Professional Council and General Membership Meeting, May 2016.
- "Traps for Unwary Subs: How Bid Day Deals Turn into Litigation," ABA Construction Forum, March 2016.
- "Direct and Cross Examination of the Expert, Recent Developments in Construction and Public Contracts Law in Virginia," VSB Construction and Public Contracts Section, November 2013.
- "How to Enhance your Contract Rights in a Troubled Economy," ASA of MW Breakfast Meeting, October 2012.